Basic information for exchange students

Introduction: How to use this information

This Basic information has been prepared by the Dezernat für Internationale Beziehungen , the International Office of the University of Tübingen. If you have questions, or need special information, please contact our office. We're here to help!

  Dezernat für Internationale Beziehungen,
  Universität Tübingen,
  Nauklerstrasse 14,
  D-72074 Tübingen.

  Tel: +49-7071-29-76448
  Fax: +49-7071-29-5404

The purpose of this Basic information is to help exchange students prepare for study in Germany, and particularly for study at The Eberhard-Karls-University of Tübingen. Basic information contains "everything you need to know" to prepare for and to begin international exchange studies in Tübingen.

There are four specific parts:

Basic information contains words particularly relevant to an understanding of the German educational experience. These words are printed in italics, and are listed with their definitions in the Glossary of academic life at the end of General information . Also, you can reach it from all text documents.

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